Friday, January 29, 2010

A little makeover...

I put the pictures up of our trip in our entryway/computer room. When I did I realized that I wasn't such a big fan of the yellow. Or my beautiful painted floor turned dog chew toy.
Soo...Like I said in my last post, I painted. I recruited my mom and we painted it Eddie Bauer's Beach. It is a wonderful color. Something that gives interest but in my mind could still be a neutral. After we painted we went and got the stuff to do the floors:) Talk about a whole new room! Between the floors and the new wall color the room looks at least twice as big as it was before.
Here is the finished product.
A close up of my grid of pictures and of the new paint.
Another close up of the redone desk area. In addition to a new floor and wall color I got a new chair at Ikea. I LOVE the lucite:) I pined over it until Roy gave in. It didn't take long! I also recovered my bulletin board with some Amy Butler Fabric. Not the best picture to see all of these things but I was in a hurry to get these up to show off! I am definitely in love:)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

So much to share

Do you ever have one of those days when there are a million and one projecys that you need to finish and instead of completing just one you work on all of them but don't finish any?

I am feeling like today is going to be one of those days for me.

I have so many projects in the works right now!

I have repainted my's huge by the way! And it has horizontal solid wood paneling. Just like the outside of our house. Brilliant to keep clean and to paint. So I hand painted the whole thing. No roller for this girl:) But on the bright side, the walls are finished. I just need to edge the trim.
In addition to repainting the entry, I have a bulletin board project that I want to do for above the computer desk in the entryway. Did I mention that the only place for the computer in the entire house is my big huge entry. Nice and welcoming that is:) So I would love to finish that bulletin board today too.
Then there is my trash to treasure bed that I posted about here. I have stripped all of the veneer off because it was beyond repair and now I need to sand. So it is patiently waiting for me on my back porch. Every time I go outside it's there. Maybe tomorrow I will tackle it!
Lastly I have two big bags to dalhia bulbs...tubers...whatevers to plant. I am SO looking forward to having them bloom this summer but I have to get them in the dirt to get to that goal:) Easier said than done currently!
So very long story short, I hope to have some pictures to post by the end of today! I am keeping my fingers crossed the my productivity will overcome my ADD:)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Need is not want

This pile of books is what I should be doing during nap time:) But...they are oh so far from what I want to be doing! I am in the process of making new curtains for our entryway with these two fabrics. Finishing them is a high priority for me:)
They are so much more fun than the books! Oh and the big's 62 inches wide and has about 10 yards on it. I got it for 30 dollars! Sweet right? I feel new pillows for the couch or maybe the bed or maybe both coming on. That is...if I finish with those darn books! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How do you do...Hollywood?

LOVE it! We had so much fun in Cali. Well I did and I know the hubby and baby girl did so that's all the counts! We went to Disneyland the first day we were there of course:) Couldn't pass that up! It seemed just the same as it had when I was little and we would go like once a month! Pictures to come of course:) But I just had to show off these few I took of Hollywood/Beverly Hills! I swear to you it is more enchanting today than it was when I was little! Maybe I just know more now so that makes it better! Either way I fell in love.
Can you say lofts? Oh yes I'll take one:)
And of course we deck the Hills not halls!
Hollywood and Vine. My father in law was driving so fast this is as good as it gets.
Can you see the Hollywood sign peeking through there? I love this one! It is so Hollywood! All the big buildings with a little glamor peeking through!
Love the stars on the boulevard! On the ground and on the light posts.
Oh and can I stay here? Too cute:)
This one is a just because. I love the colors.

I think the driving tour was a complete success in my book. We went to Big Bear the next day. That's where I grew up and I fell completely in love all over again. The hubby has decided that that is where we're moving when we grow up:) Sweet right? All my pictures from there are for memories only sadly. It was dark by the time we got there and that doesn't make for good photography!

Sunday, January 10, 2010