This guy has a birthday this weekend...and I still have to finish getting things ready for it! I also have to finish getting his presents:) Guess thats pretty crucial to a good birthday celebration. We're having Boudin, greens, chocolate cake, the PW's Olive bread, and of course Shiner and maybe a little white wine for those of us who would prefer it:)

In addition to the birthday bash I have a quilt that is staring me in the face begging to be finished. Or maybe started is the word since I only have 5 blocks done as of right now:) It's an easy one too so I'm not sure what has slowed me down on it!

I also want to plant the rest of my spring plants before this weekend! It doesn't help that I went on a road trip with my mom to the coolest little nursery in Edom, TX and bought way more than I should have. In this pic there are three okra plants, a pepper, a perennial hydrangea and a peony. I was embarrassed to show my other pile :) But I did get a really cool banana magnolia that smells just like banana Laffy Taffy! Not too sure where to put it as it gets to be about 6 feet by 3 feet!
Then there's the bench in the above photo that needs to be painted in a bad way.
Oh and I forgot...part of Roy's present was a pond in the backyard. All was going well with it until it got a big blob of dirt in it and we had to pull it out to remedy the situation. It got fixed and we put it back in its hole but then the rain came and it all went down hill from there. The hole filled with water the pond floated and now we have a mud pie sink hole in the backyard:) YAY! But I am headed out there right now...it is supposed to pour tomorrow and I am not having a repeat performance!
Wish me luck...it seems that my to do list for this weekend has grown to monumental proportions. If I am successful I will show off the pond and the plants and the party...and maybe even the quilt!
Happy Thursday!