Well, we made it!! Thanksgiving is officially over and we're headed for Christmas! I LOVE the holidays! The cold ones are my favorite...even though they are rarely cold here in Texas! I love Halloween and all the cute and spooky decorating there is to be done, and of course Thanksgiving, with all of the family and food and abundance of happiness that comes from both and lastly, there is Christmas, the most important and beautiful of them all! I hope yall had as great a day as I did, filled with family, food, fun, laughter, and love!
Here are just a few pictures of my favorite things about Thanksgiving!
Texas beating the TAR out of A&M...need I say more??

Me and Ava Kate loving the food and watching the game, looking for Daddy on TV...

MaMaw and Ava trading shoes...

Oh and of course...the FOOD! This is just the dessert bar...YUM!

That's all...I tried to get a picture of all the gorgeous food, but I couldn't get close enough to it for all the people. By the time there was a hole it was all devoured! Hope yall had a good one!